ITRM have developed a range of cloud services designed to provide customers with access to leading enterprise functionality without incurring the costs traditionally involved in implementing such services. Our cloud portfolio is based on industry standard high availability platforms with high levels of security and on-going development. Such measures help us to ensure that our services continue to provide the best functionality.
The cloud portfolio covers everything from SaaS (Software as a Service) based solutions such as anti-spam and web filtering, to IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) solutions such as online backup, hosted remote desktop and a fully hosted infrastructure platform. The wide range of solutions we provide allow us to deliver as much or as little as you need in the cloud.
As a Microsoft Gold Partner ITRM specialise in desktop and infrastructure solutions. When combined with our cloud services platform ITRM are ideally placed to deliver cloud, on premise and hybrid solutions designed to your suit requirements. This allows our customers to select exactly how they want their IT services delivered.
If you require further information about our cloud portfolio please contact a member of our technical team on 0208 308 3300 or alternatively by email